Өндөр хүчдэлийн мотор

Өндөр хүчдэлийн хөдөлгүүрийн тусгаарлагч нь ихэвчлэн илүү нарийн бүтэцтэй, өндөр хүчдэлийн эсэргүүцэлтэй нунтаг гялтгануур соронзон хальс гэх мэт олон давхаргын …


RPM80 series is our next game changer in the pod mod category. RPM80/ RPM80 PRO comes with two pod and two coils: one is the RPM80 RPM Pod, which is compatible with all RPM40 coils, and the other one is the RPM80 RGC Pod, which is airflow adjustable and uses the new RGC Conical Mesh 0.17ohm coil that supports the power as high as 80watts!


Халаагуур, халуунаар үлээгч Зам барилгын бага оврын тоног ... Шалны дулаан-хүйтэн тусгаарлагч Фанера сорт 3-3 18 мм Фанера сорт 3-315мм Фанера сорт 3-3 9мм Фанера сорт 3-3 6,5мм ...


RPM80 series is our next game changer in the pod mod category. RPM80/ RPM80 PRO comes with two pod and two coils: one is the RPM80 RPM Pod, which is compatible with …


Халаагуур, халуунаар үлээгч Зам барилгын бага оврын тоног ... Дээврийн ус тусгаарлагч полимер бүрээс 1.00 Битуман тууз 1.00 Теплокнауф Акустикнауф Шалны халаалт ...

Compound 48/80 (Poly-p-methoxyphenethylmethylamine

Compound 48/80 (Poly-p-methoxyphenethylmethylamine) is widely used in animal and tissue models as a "selective" mast cell activator. Compound 48/80 acts at the mast cell membrane to stimulate trimeric G-proteins and induces degranulation via phospholipase C and D pathways [1] [2] . Compound 48/80 (poly-p-methoxyphenethylmethylamine), an …


RPM80 series is our next game changer in the pod mod category. RPM80/ RPM80 PRO comes with two pods and two coils: one is the. RPM80 RPM Pod, which is compatible with all RPM40 coils, and the other one is the RPM80 RGC Pod, which is airflow adjustable and. uses the new RGC Conical Mesh 0.17ohm coil that supports the power as high as 80watts!